For many of us we won't give a lot of thought to aging but just live our lives. We may think of it on our birthday as the author Jo Ann Jenkins mentioned in her book titled "Disrupt Aging - A bold new path to living your best life at every age". It was her fiftieth birthday that got her thinking, so which one is it for you?
Perhaps if you are quite ill one day and unable to get out of bed you will think that's how aging feels. Or you may see your parents, beloved grandparents and other relatives beginning to "slow down". Now they talk more about their doctor's appointments than their careers, and are starting to give away possessions - downsizing as call it these days.
We plan for our college days, careers, family life and perhaps by the time our parents begin to forgot certain things we are jolted into facing an aging question. Do you really want to think about it though? Why burden yourself with something that will happen one day in the distant future whether you like it not? Just enjoy life and never mind aging.
Two years ago I read "Disrupt Aging" to see what Jo Ann Jenkins who had completely researched the topic and made a career in the business had to say about aging. Early in the book she made the point that she was intent on changing the conversation related to how people discussed the question of aging because as she suggests "It's not about aging; it's about living." I bet you agree with that sentiment and would be willing to join that conversation. How we live our lives now will determine how we feel about disrupting aging.
The book is a good read and gets into what we all hear so much of everyday. But the points have to keep being repeated until you take take action. How you take care of your health, your wealth planning, and for further discussion on this blog how you plan for your paid home caregiver days is a big part of how you disrupt aging. A part of your wealth planning is to cover your paid home caregiver days. It's not just retirement planning as Financial Planners will tell you, but that retirement then goes into paid home caregiver days. How you disrupt aging will depend on how you take care of yourself now.
In the book she discusses the vast numbers of the population who will be over 65 years old within the next ten years. That number according to her data will be more than 71 million. So what are corporations and individuals doing to prepare for those years? She makes suggestions of what the government can do and what individuals can do to disrupt aging to prepare for living years of health and happiness. New technology and advances in health care to enhance better living conditions are what will disrupt aging she continues.
One of the chapters in the book is titled "Own Your Age" and she advises you to age with attitude. Don't be afraid of how old you are just do the things you planned without any regard to your age. If you haven't finished college and it was your desire to earn a college degree then do so. Don't let anyone tell you that you are too old for whatever you have wanted to do in life. You are still here so enjoy everyday, continue to fulfill your purpose, start new projects, or at least find something each day to celebrate.
As Jo Ann Jenkins says in her book 'focus on living not on aging - not just on what you need but what you want'. In the end she asks the question "what will you do to disrupt aging". You can find out more about this book on the AARP website as well as about the author.
Ruth. Y. Webster
- Caregiver Daze